
Olesya Valyn

Junior Frontend Developer

Contact information:

Phone: +79507935173
Discord: Olesya Valyn (@lesya-val)
Telegram: OlesyaVal
GitHub: lesya-val

Briefly About Myself:

I’m a second-year student of a technical university in the speciality “Software engineering”.
A year ago, I first encountered Frontend-development in a training practice. After passing it, I realized that this is exactly the direction in which I want to develop.
Since then, I’ve been spending my free time studying web-development, and I’m not going to stop.
I hope that my desire to acquire new skills and the ability to approach work responsibly will help me become an experienced Frontend-developer and get a job.


Code example:

Task from Codewars (7kye): Vowel Count

function getCount(str) {
  let reg = str.match(/[a\e\i\o\u]/g)
  return reg === null ? 0: reg.length

